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Comments (2)

Farid - 30 January 04:30

Adore, j’adore son corps. Prends mon telephone et venir, passer du temps together, mais l’un comme triste.

Pinkie - 2 April 14:50

Cette activité induit des changements corporels, sociaux et culturels divers pour ces jeunes femmes et modifie en partie leur rapport à leur féminité, à leur sexualité et à leur santé. Au-delà, cette contribution propose de revisiter le concept.

Melynda - 11 July 08:56

I lovelovelove all your videos. All the interesting topics aside i just really love how inclusive this channel is <3

Garg - 23 March 04:49

what a gorgeous cunt you have

Mina - 9 April 21:13

I want to inseminate this goddess.

Rocky - 3 January 20:33

Lindsey, how would someone keep the flirtation rhythm when uncomfortable with physical contact with new individuals? Unless I've known the person for a while, or we have at least spent some tangible time together, I find that I cannot reciprocate the physical contact step, and have had trouble in the past with flirtation-communication misfires!

Elliot - 12 May 10:58
