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Comments (6)

Apsey - 29 March 22:27

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Lloyd - 15 February 12:56

Des milliards de personnes ont fêté l'entrée en , parfois en bravant les intempéries, inondations et canicule en Océanie ou tempêtes de neige aux États-Unis, Sydney étant la première grande ville à faire sauter les bouchons.

Lilliana - 17 June 06:49

If you can't operate a machine, you shouldn't operate your wiener it's indirect, but it certainly implies the myth that rape is a male thing. Women can coerce men into sex. Sure it's rarer, but rarer doesn't mean non-existent. The first step toward being able to talk about this as equals is to treat us like equals remove gender from the discussion, unless it's a scientifically relevant statistic. It's okay to say that men are usually the rapist, but it's wrong to leave women out too.

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